Mary, a Tudor Princess: Guest post by Tony Riches
I feel honoured to feature historical fiction author Tony Riches on my blog today. His Tudor Trilogy is a captivating glimpse into the compelling characters and times of the Tudors….
New Release: “Healer – The Gift of Dreams”
Finally, after a long battle against the evil flu-troops, I made it back aboard and beached this dragonboat at another wonderful destination: The fifth Tale of Freya, “Healer”, releases today!…
Hoist Anchor on the Old Year
… and Cast Off to a NEW ONE! A huge THANKYOU to my oarsmen and – women: What a (writing) year it has been. 2017 marks the year that I…
How the Vikings celebrated Christmas
About Santa Odin, the law to get drunk, and the bloody origin of our new year’s resolutions When looking at the Viking pagan religion, we have to go back at…
Welcome to Mary Wood: “Writing Gritty Content in a Novel”
Guest post by historical fiction author Mary Wood Lovers of gritty historical fiction, I’m happy to announce that my colleague and friend, Mary Wood, is my guest today. I’m part of…
The Vikings are let loose: “Bonds – Under the Armour” releases!
The fourth Viking steamy romance short story is “Bonds – Under the Armour“, and it releases today as part of the collection Tales of Freya: In a world of crackling…
Taking short stories seriously
Why you should write them, and most of all: publish them! Since I write a lot of short stories, I’m an advocate for them. Read them, write them, publish them….
When your chickens are scattered to the four winds
A slightly angry Thank you, Pronoun (or rather Macmillan) It is part of the journey of every artist to struggle with obstacles. One has to start over repeatedly, change with…
What makes a story sensual – as opposed to just “hot”?
When sex is more than just hot décor We have tons of stories, in book and on screen, which use sex to infuse excitement. Few manage to make the sex…
Expanding research horizons: Hunting Vikings!
Story finding-time … off to new (nothern) shores! It’s a given that historical fiction writers have to do their research. The writer has to be so much “into” her era…