The Feared and Respected Old Norse Völva Sorceresses – ThorNews
This summary is perfect timing: atm I’m editing my Viking “shield maiden novel” (lack of a proper title yet ;-)) and this is a brilliant account of the magical women…
Viking Children Learned the Art of War – ThorNews
To be a Viking child: becoming fighters and trusting the Norns We know from the sagas that Viking boys were trained in the art of war. The Viking’s success in…
Self-censorship and the writer
Blood is the only bodily fluid allowed It’s a dilemma that I hate. And it’s dangerous for any art: self-censorship in the eye of other people’s double-morals. I’m confident in…
The Awakening releases on this Freya’s day!
Friday is the day of love and desire The secret chieftain, Viking bear Bjorn and me are celebrating the release of the second Tale of Freya on this Freya’s day: …
My work is not “me” – About attention, compliments & male entitlement
Just because I write it doesn’t mean I want to do “it” (and certainly not with you) If I pay a compliment to my female friend, telling her she looks…
Don’t aim for perfect – but ‘voice’
How great art is not flawless Art isn’t clinical. It is not about who gets something into the perfectest shape or form. Flawlessness is only briefly interesting, if at all….
Jenny Kane: Shsh, don’t tell anyone …
… but it’s okay to write erotica! Heck, you all know by now that I don’t care for genre pigeonholing and expectations concerning rules and labelling. But especially for those…
Colour me meaningful – How to dress the sensual
Cover reveal: “The Awakening – Embrace beyond Passion” Today marks the reveal of the second cover in the series Tales of Freya: “The Awakening – Embrace beyond Passion” is now…
Historical fiction: little lives matter most
The big in the small: Why I avoid the epic As a writer of historical fiction I never wanted to write the big and epic. As my plots are character-driven…
Tony Riches: Why You Should Consider Writing a Trilogy
Listen to one of my fave histfic-writing colleagues, and very much admired pro: welcome, Tony Riches! For most writers, completing one book would seem more than enough of an achievement,…